National Imaging Facility
Paul Klee’s famous quote ‘A line is a dot that went for a walk’ is an apt place to begin, with single pixel as the fundamental building block of visualisation.
The National Imaging Facility is a nationwide network of 'Nodes' that provide open access to advanced biomedical imaging instruments and expertise to researchers in the fields of science and medicine. They're experts in developing new technologies, interpreting data, and applying imaging to solve complex problems.
For us, this presented fascinating insights into the use of visualisation to fundamentally advance human endeavour. Distilling notions of network, nodes, data and visualisation, we use lines to frame (both literally and metaphorically) their collective capabilities.
The NIF icon is a compact and open framework that represents the individual facilities and processes of data visualisation.
It is comprised of three 'nodes' drawn upon the corners of a cube, which can expand in two or three dimensions to frame ideas or images.
Relationships are maintained across various formats and elements can be used in isolation.
The system can be used to visualise anything from simple navigation through to large and complex networks, such as neurons in the human brain.
It extends into scalable patterns that represent ideas of process; moving pieces, shifting focus, visualising detail and interpreting data.
A broad suite of collateral is built to strongly feature images produced by NIF.
Reflecting the values of the organisation, a contemporary typographicsystem retains beauty and hierarchy.
Largely monochromatic, our palette effortlessly switches between light and dark modes, creating a 'gallery' environment for images.
A distinctive and energetic blue is used sparingly to highlight applications.